Sacroiliac Joint (SIJ) Dysfunction

Is extremely common, despite the relatively small amount of attention it gets in comparison to ‘discs’ as a cause of pain.

  • Provide small degrees of movement which if dysfunctional may result in pains in the lumbar spine, the hips and the lower limbs
  • Are commonly injured through missing a step, lifting and twisting and due to poor core stability
  • Will often present with symptoms that mimic a disc injury
  • Are easily treatable and often resolve fully with minimal need for further treatment (if it is a chronic problem, or a recurring problem then this is not the case)

Self Management

  • You can ensure you get an accurate diagnosis and don’t waste hundreds of dollars on MRI scans
  • Utilise heat or ice to try to minimise the pain locally

Physiotherapy Management

  • Accurately assess you and discuss with you their findings – and why they feel the SIJ is the cause of your pain
  • Treat the diagnosed dysfunction and possibly supplement the treatment with taping or bracing to assist maintaining the joint position.
  • Commence you on any stretches that are deemed beneficial
  • Instigate a home programme of stretches and exercises to minimise teh chance of recurrence
  • Assess and treat any underlying instability (weak core) issues.